
  1. Web Developer (ISRO)

    Developed a web-based dashboard for disaster management as there was no prior single platform for showcasingeverything under one hood. Leveraged skills in web development, GIS (Geographic Information System), and data visualization to create a comprehensive and user-friendly dashboard for disaster management purposes during my internship at ISRO.
    Integrated antecedent moisture condition and flood layers of pan India for visualization.
    Implemented a display of daily disaster-related news across India, highlighting the most prominent news through a heatmap, organized by state.
    Created a user-friendly interface allowing users to input points and generating the shortest path.
    Incorporated an alternate path functionality to navigate hindrances during flood times, ensuring continuity in navigation.
    Enabled users to input coordinates and buffer distance to obtain a list of the nearest hospitals.
    Integrated this tool to aid in disaster scenarios, facilitating quick access to medical facilities.

  2. Project Intern (Dreamsol)

    Developed a robust web application using Spring and Hibernate technologies to manage employee data efficiently
    Implemented secure user authentication, allowing administrators to log in and perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update,Delete) operations on the employee database
    Designed a user-friendly interface enabling administrators to add new employee records, update existing information, and delete outdated entries
    Utilized Spring Framework for dependency injection, facilitating a loosely coupled architecture, and Hibernate ORM(Object-Relational Mapping) for seamless interaction with the underlying database.

  3. Intern (VLCC)

    Managed the ERP of the company.
    Collaborated with several teams.
    Learned about the corporate culture.